Compassionate Communities Week – Invisible Cities Meeting For a Virtual Cuppa

Did you know that last week was Compassionate Communities Week?

The whole world is facing unprecedented times right now and we believe we need compassion now more than ever! So at Invisible Cities, we decided to celebrate in style and organised a virtual Cuppa for all our guides, trainees and supported volunteers who were able to join (Technology permitting).

On Friday May 1st, we all had a cup of tea (or coffee) ad cake and raised a cup to one another! With everyone taking part between Edinburgh, Glasgow and Manchester! Lauren, one of our current trainees in Edinburgh had the whole family bake carrot cakes for the occasion. In temporary accommodation with her three children, she made the event fun and yummy for everyone!

Compassionate Communities Week was created by Good Life Good Death Good Grief is an initiative of the Scottish Partnership for Palliative Care. We had worked together before, in organising The Glasgow 47, an event in remembrance of the 47 homeless people who died on the streets of Glasgow.

They organised Compassionate Communities Week to acknowledge, share and grow the compassion and innovation that so many communities are showing in response to COVID-19.